
drinking water

Nervously drinking

We came across this scene. A rare one indeed. A group of zebra drinking while being watched but not chased away by 3 bull elephants. They did chase them eventually.

Two of the male zebra got into a disagreement shortly after this and had a full go at each other. I was lucky to be at the right place at the right time and shot a series of photos. The best of the series…

Zebra fighting

Zebra fighting

Adrian d'Blanco - Zebra fight2

Zebra fight 2

Adrian d'Blanco - Zebra fight3

Zebra fight – rearing up

It shows the explosive power and agility of these normal docile animals. Each photo looks ominous, yet not one ended in a “hit” as the other animal managed to move or pull away in time.

46 thoughts on “Zebra

  1. Jet Eliot says:

    Fantastic series with the battling zebra! All the photos are really wonderful, but I especially like the watering hole with the zebra and elephant, a rarity, and also a great size comparison.

  2. Mama Cormier says:

    Amazing shots. The contrast between the elephants and the zebras around the watering hole is a rare find indeed. You couldn’t have asked for a better composition. I love the action shots, especially the third one.

  3. mynuttydubai says:

    WOW WOW WOW!!! What great shots! Zebras are my favourite animal – I even have one tattoo’d on my shoulder – and I love watching them whenever I’m able to get out to the bush… but I can honestly say that I have never seen them fight!
    This truly is a rare sighting, and you most certainly were in the right place at the right time!

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