Another quick miracle story

This little man was born 2 days early, but those two days saved his life. He was born with a lung virus, which as far as I know they have not identified (not sure). In any case by the Monday, the day he should have been born, the hospital called the family together to say their goodbye’s as the blue boy could not get oxygen and was deteriorating rapidly.

Everybody was praying for him to pull through…

The Doctor then tried as a last resort to use a CO2 machine they use on Adults to pull the CO2 off his lungs. At this time he was hooked up to 15 machines to keep him alive.

The tide turned over the next few days and then the worry was brain damage, which also seems to be negative. When he was 1 month, 2 weeks ago, I offered to take a few shots for them.

Watching his proud Mom, who literally went through hell was great..

She is the only one that can kiss him…she had to wait 2 weeks before she could hold him for the first time – he weighed 1.7kg by then from the 3.6 kg he was born with.

He is back at 3.6 kg and past it. He is a fighter.

He has no comprehension about what transpired and already a mind of his own…very cute too!

29 thoughts on “Another quick miracle story

  1. Pieter says:

    Those two shots with the blue tone are just amazing Adrian!

    And good to hear this little one is doing so well 🙂
    Best of luck to him and his parents!

  2. blondie63 says:

    Wow what an amazing story! I am so glad they didn’t lose their baby! I love the photos of beautiful family! That last on is so funny, like he is saying “another picture” Hugz Lisa

  3. Colleen Chesebro says:

    What a gorgeous baby. Excellent photography Adrian to catch the essence of his indomitable spirit! ❤

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