Always great at Southern Point of Africa…

We spent the first week of 2017 at Struis Bay, which some of the older followers may know as our most special place, holding deepest of meanings.

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As our little grows, it just become more special to us. He is enjoying the space and unique environment there too.

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We loved taking a drive, buying fish and chips at our favorite shop and eating it at the beach, sometimes in the car, other times sitting on the rocks.

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The real Southern Point of Africa has a whole different feel of ominous danger to it. Many a ship has gone down over the years. This part reminds us very much of our home, the rocks being more similar, but not as sharp and pointed.

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26 thoughts on “Always great at Southern Point of Africa…

  1. Shannon says:

    Your photography talent just keeps on improving, Adrian! I particularly was drawn to the one of your wife and son. But they are all great composites. Cheers!

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