About a toddler

Unbelievably it has been 2 years since we started sharing our rumbling ocean with you guys. Boeta was about to turn 1. Today we are looking at a near 3 year-old…in a month.

Boeta mei 2016-4

Boeta mei 2016-2In those days I took him to the beach walking down with the stroller, showing him the waves, rocks, beach, birds, boats and dolphins. Today he loves (adores) the beach and on most days, especially in the afternoon after he wakes up his first words are: “Let’s go walk or let’s go to the beach”. He loves throwing rocks into the pools, has to hunt for real crabs, sea snails and most other creatures he can find, only to throw it into a pool.

He now weighs around 17 kg (37.4 lbs) and he stands 1.01m (near 40 inches) tall.

He is a friendly little chap wanting to kiss and hug most people if he is comfortable with them. He laughs easily and we tend to have lots of fun throughout the day.

Boeta mei 2016-5

He is also a toddler with normal “no, no do not want to do this or that” on a regular basis, but never says no to kicking a ball, walking and going to the beach….never. Last time he was sick…one year ago…the flu. He talks a lot, loves to learn, especially from books and counts to 10 in 2 languages, talks mainly in Afrikaans, but also knows colors in english and says the odd sentence in english like, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?” or “You are my best friend” and loves to sing Bah-Bah Black Sheep….When in his element he is a little character…

Boeta mei 2016-8 Boeta mei 2016-7 Boeta mei 2016-6 Boeta mei 2016-9

He loves running, yes toddlers run, but he loves to do cross-country running at the beach…On this occasion it was becoming late..he did not give up and wanted to cry every time I said let’s go home…I flashed the last shots. There is at least a 8 meter (26 ft ) difference between the beach and the top, where I stood. He runs laps in the path and I am yet to see how many he can do, I usually stop and walk home after 6 or 7. He loves it. I am tired after 2 laps….yes 2!

Boeta mei 2016-10 Boeta mei 2016-11 Boeta mei 2016-12 Boeta mei 2016-14 Boeta mei 2016-13

Earlier on this day I took a photo of him riding his bicycle with helmet…he can ride it on flat surfaces by himself, but not uphill yet.

Boeta mei 2016 Boeta mei 2016-3

So there you have it. Our little man is growing up, sometimes too fast. We are so grateful for this wonderful gift and we are so very proud of him.

43 thoughts on “About a toddler

  1. jpeggytaylor says:

    Doesn’t time fly! Boeta has certainly grown so much since I last saw your blog! He looks so happy too. Every moment of our children growing up is so precious, isn’t it – it will be wonderful for you to have all your blog photos to look back on in years to come.

  2. ladysighs says:

    Checked back about two years ago and have been following almost that long. Thanks for sharing so much of his young life. Looks so grown up now and such a handsome lad!! 🙂

  3. sheldonk2014 says:

    I was just talking about the same thing
    Of course it had to do with my daughter
    And how fast she has grown
    While I wasn’t looking
    Then here you go with Boeta
    I can remember when first we met
    Now it’s three going on twenty
    Asking for the car keys
    Or in that little voice
    Are we there yet
    As always Sheldon

  4. blondie63 says:

    I am so happy to be part of your blog family! I adore all the photos that you share! Boeta is so cute and it is fun to see him growing up even though just in photographs! I look forward to many more years of posts from you! Hugz Lisa and Bear

  5. Eliza Waters says:

    A fine young fellow you have there – it is so nice that your love shows through. The time does go by all too fast, you are aware of that so that you are extra appreciative of the time you have together.

  6. neihtn2012 says:

    Has it been two years already? Boeta is a handsome young boy, with a cheerful disposition. Whatever you have been doing to raise him must be right. Congratulations.

  7. jmnowak says:

    Sounds like he will be a tall man and probably a runner! Soon you won’t be able to catch him…love the photo of him offering you a flat pebble…they look great for skipping across the water and, no doubt, he wanted you to join him. Lovely post!

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